Curriculum Vitae
Born 10 February 1975 in Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. Russian citizen.
Education and degrees:
- 2009:
- Doctor of Science degree, Moscow State University.
Title: ``Topology and combinatorics of torus actions'', defended
25 December 2009.
(Doctor of science thesis is a profound scientific research work
required for attaining higher academic positions or professorships
in the former USSR.)
- 1996-1999:
- Candidate of Science degree (equivalent to PhD),
Moscow State University.
Advisor: Prof. Victor M. Buchstaber.
Title: ``Topological invariants of manifolds with Tn- or Z/p-action",
defended 11 June 1999.
- 1991-1996:
- Diploma of Higher Education (equivalent to MSc), Moscow State University.
Diploma cum laude, 1996.
Thesis: ``Hopf 2-algebra structures in
cohomology of manifolds, and duality properties".
- October 2010-present time:
- Professor, Faculty of
Mathematics and Mechanics, Moscow State University.
- September 2000-present time:
- Research fellow, Institute for
Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow.
- April 2008-present time:
- Leading research fellow, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
- September 2005-July 2006:
- JSPS postdoctoral research fellow,
Department of Mathematics, Osaka City University, Japan
(host: Prof. Mikiya Masuda).
- February 2001-February 2002:
- Royal Society/NATO postdoctoral fellow,
Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, U.K
(host: Prof. Nigel Ray).
- September 2001-September 2010:
- Docent (equivalent to associate professor), Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, MSU.
- September 1999-August 2001:
- Assistant professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, MSU.
- 1997-1999:
- Junior research fellow, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, MSU.
Research interests:
Algebraic and differential topology
(cobordism theories and genera, torus actions, homotopy theory),
algebraic geometry (toric varieties), combinatorics and
combinatorial geometry (polytopes, complexes, arrangements).
Honours and grants awarded:
- 2015-2020:
Simons-IUM Fellowship (grants of Simons Foundation for educational and research activity at the Independent University of Moscow).
- 2011-2013, 2014-2016:
Prize and stipend of Dmitri Zimin's "Dynasty" foundation for young scientists with a Doctor of Science degree.
- 2011-2012, 2013-2014:
President of Russia's Grant Programme for the support of young scientists with Dr.Sci degree (personal grants MD-2253.2011.1, MD-111.2013.1).
- 2010:
Moscow State University Shuvalov prize of I degree
- 2009:
- Moscow State University Prize for young scientists.
- 2007-2009:
- Pierre Deligne stipend (awarded as the winner
of the 2006 Pierre Deligne contest; funded by P.Deligne's 2004 Balzan prize in Mathematics.)
- 2005-2006:
- JSPS postdoctoral research
Department of Mathematics, Osaka City University
(host: Prof. Mikiya Masuda).
- 2005:
- London Mathematical Society grant for
young Russian mathematicians,
University of Manchester.
- 2004:
- Moscow Mathematical Society
Prize for young mathematicians
for the series of works ``Invariants of manifolds with group actions".
- 2001, 2002, 2003:
- State Prize for young researchers, Russian Ministry of Nuclear Energy,
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow.
- 2001-2002:
- Royal Society/NATO postdoctoral research fellowship,
Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester
(host: Prof. Nigel Ray).
- 1998-1999:
- Participated in the INTAS long-term research grant
INTAS 96-0770.
- 1996-present:
- Ongoing participation in research
projects funded by the Russian Science Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Government Programme for the Support of Leading Scientific Schools.
Research visits:
- July-August 2024:
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Canada
- November 2023:
Beijing Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Applications, China
- January-June 2020:
Visiting Professor, University of Toronto, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Canada
- December 2018, April 2016, June 2015, November 2012, November-December 2010, July-August 2007, November-December 2004, November-December 2002:
- Osaka City University, Japan.
- November 2018, December 2017, July 2017, November-December 2014, June-July 2013, November 2009, January 2008:
- Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
- September 2017, September 2014:
- Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, UK.
- Spring 2016, August-September 2013, July 2010, August 2008:
- Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia.
- October-November 2013:
- Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- June-July 2012:
- Institute of Mathematics, University of Aberdeen, UK.
- April 2011:
- Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA.
- September 2010, November 2008, July 2008, February 2007:
- University of Manchester, U.K.
- February 2006:
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Daejeon, Republic of Korea.
- July 2005:
- Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
- January 2005:
- University of Manchester, U.K.,
London Mathematical Society grant for
young Russian mathematicians.
- July 2004:
- UMIST, U.K.,
Royal Society Visiting Fellowship.
- August 2003-February 2004:
- University of Manchester, U.K.,
EPSRC Visiting Fellowship.
- January-February 2003:
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- September 2002:
- Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical
Sciences, Cambridge, U.K.
Conference talks:
27-29 November 2024
Algebraic Topology, Hyperbolic Geometry, and Computer Data Analysis,
HSE University, Moscow, Russia;
talk ``Exponential actions, Gale duality and moment-angle manifolds''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
29 July-2 August 2024
Workshop on Polyhedral Products,
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada;
talk ``Polyhedral products, graph products and p-central series''
24-26 July 2024
Graduate School in Toric Topology,
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada;
two lectures "Toric varieties as algebraic quotients. Exponential actions. Gale duality. Moment-angle manifolds"
video and
"Holomorphic torus fibre bundles over toric varieties: generalised Calabi-Eckmann fibrations. Complex-analytics structures on moment-angle manifolds. Holomorphic foliated moment-angle manifolds as irrational deformations of toric varieties"
18-19 July 2024
International School
Algebraic Topology and Applications to Data Analysis,
HSE University, Moscow, Russia;
two lectures ``Double Homology of Moment-Angle Complexes and Bigraded Persistence Modules''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
15-17 July 2024
International Conference
Algebraic Topology and Applications,
HSE University, Moscow, Russia;
talk ``Holomorphic foliations on complex manifolds with torus action''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
5-9 December 2023
Algebraic Topology, Hyperbolic Geometry, and Computer Data Analysis,
Tomsk University, Tomsk, Russia;
talk ``Double homology of moment-angle complexes and bigraded persistence modules''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
6-10 November 2023
Sino-Russian Interdisciplinary Mathematical Conference,
Peking University, Beijing, China;
invited talk ``SU-bordism: geometric representatives, operations, multiplications and projections''
10-14 July 2023
Conference Algebraic groups: the White Nights season III,
EIMI, St Petersburg, Russia;
invited talk ``Basic cohomology of canonical holomorphic foliations
on complex manifolds with torus action''
28 January-2 February 2023
X School-Conference Lie algebras, algebraic groups, and invariant theory,
HSE and Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia;
three lectures ``Foliations from vector configurations, Gale duality, and moment-angle manifolds''
3-9 October 2022
International School Toric topology, combinatorics and data analysis,
EIMI, St Petersburg, Russia;
talk ``Double cohomology of moment-angle complexes''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
4-8 July 2022
Conference Algebraic groups: the White Nights season II,
EIMI, St Petersburg, Russia;
invited talk ``Equivariant cohomology of moment-angle complexes with respect to coordinate subtori''
26 June-3 July 2022
International Conference
Geometry, Groups, Operator Algebras, and Integrability 2022, Moscow, Russia;
invited talk ``Holomorphic foliations on complex moment-angle manifolds''
26 June-2 July 2022
XXI Geometrical Seminar, Belgrade, Serbia;
invited talk ``Holomorphic foliations on complex moment-angle manifolds'' (online)
22-26 June 2022
International Conference
Advances in Algebra and Applications, Minsk, Belarus;
invited talk ``Polyhedral products, loop homology, and right-angled Coxeter groups''
1-5 November 2021
International School
Toric Topology and Combinatorics, Sirius Mathematics Center, Sochi, Russia;
two lectures ``Foliations arising from configurations of vectors, Gale duality, and moment-angle manifolds''
15-17 September 2021
International Workshop Advances in Homotopy Theory,
University of Southampton, UK (virtual);
invited talk ``Double cohomology of moment-angle complexes''
20-25 July 2021
International Conference Primorie Mathematical Fair,
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia;
invited talk ``SU-bordism: geometric representatives, operations, multiplications and projections''
12-16 July 2021
Mini-workshop Algebraic groups: the White Nights season,
EIMI, PDMI, St Petersburg, Russia;
invited talk ``Complex geometry of moment-angle manifolds''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
28 June-3 July 2021
8th International Youth Summer School-Conference on Geometric Methods of Mathematical Physics,
Krasnovidovo, Moscow Region, Russia;
mini-course (3 lectures) ``Complex geometry of manifolds with torus actions''
pdf 3rd lecture (in Russian)
24-26 March 2021
International Conference Toric Topology 2021 in Osaka (online);
talk ``SU-bordism: geometric representatives, operations, multiplications and projections''
11-13 January 2021
kpa70 Conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Prof. Krzysztof Pawalowski (online);
talk ``Holomorphic foliations on complex moment-angle manifolds''
18-22 November 2020
International Conference Topology and Geometry of Group Actions (online),
Faculty of Computer Science, HSE University, Moscow, Russia;
plenary talk ``Polyhedral products, loop homology, and right-angled Coxeter groups''
25-29 May 2020
Workshop on Polyhedral Products in Geometric Group Theory,
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada;
talk ``Polyhedral products, loop homology, and right-angled Coxeter groups''
13-17 January 2020
Winter Graduate School in Toric Topology,
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada;
Mini-course on the Topology of Toric Spaces and Moment-angle Manifolds (joint with Anthony Bahri)
10-15 December 2019
Conference December Readings in Tomsk-2019, Tomsk, Russia;
plenary talk ``Polyhedral products, right-angled Coxeter groups, and hyperbolic manifolds''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
18-21 November 2019
International Conference Toric Topology 2019 in Okayama, Okayama, Japan;
plenary talk ``Foliations arising from configurations of vectors, Gale duality, and moment-angle manifolds''
31 October-2 November 2019
The 46th Symposium on Transformation Groups, Osaka, Japan;
plenary talk
``Higher Whitehead products in moment-angle complexes''
24-29 September 2019
International Conference
Morse Theory and its Applications
dedicated to the memory and 70th anniversary of Volodymyr Sharko,
Kiev, Ukraine;
plenary talk ``Right-angled polytopes, hyperbolic manifolds and torus actions''
19-23 August 2019
International Conference
Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: Rokhlin–100
dedicated to the 100th birthday anniversary of Vladimir Rokhlin,
St. Petersburg, Russia;
plenary talk ``A geometric view on SU-bordism''
30-31 July 2019
International Conference
Algebra and Geometry, Jaroslavl, Russia;
plenary talk ``Higher Whitehead products in moment-angle complexes''
24-29 July 2019
Yaroslavl Summer Mathematical School
"Algebra and Geometry 2019", Jaroslavl, Russia; invited lectures
``Complex geometry of manifolds with torus action''
13-14 May 2019
Bilateral MSU-SJTU Conference on Dynamics in Finite and Infinite Dimensional System, SJTU, Shanghai, China;
invited talk ``Foliations arising from configurations of vectors, and topology of nondegenerate leaf spaces''
7-11 May 2019
FDIS 2019 Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics, SJTU, Shanghai, China;
plenary talk ``Holomorphic foliations on complex moment-angle manifolds''
6-8 December 2018
The 45th Symposium on Transformation Groups, Kumamoto, Japan;
plenary talk ``Basic cohomology of canonical holomorphic foliations on complex moment-angle manifolds''
3-7 September 2018
IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi and Tbilisi, Georgia; plenary talk
``Right-angled polytopes, hyperbolic manifolds and torus actions'' pdf-slides
27 August-1 September 2018
Siberian Summer School
"Current Developments in Geometry", Novosibirsk, Russia; invited lectures
``Geometry and topology of toric varieties'' Lecture 1
Lecture 2
2-6 July 2018
International Conference/School
"Glances@Manifolds 2018", Krakow, Poland; series of invited lectures
``Cobordims and group actions on manifolds'' Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
26 February-4 March 2018
International Conference
"Dynamics in Siberia-2018", Novosibirsk, Russia; invited talk
``Foliations arising from configuration of vectors, and topology of nondegenerate leaf spaces'' pdf-slides
20-23 September 2017
International Conference "Geometry Days in Novosibirsk -- 2017", Novosibirsk, Russia;
plenary talk ``Manifolds defined by right-angled 3-dimensional polytopes''
29 May-2 June 2017
Workshop on the Homotopy Theory of Polyhedral Products, Princeton University, Rider University, USA;
invited talk ``Manifolds defined by right-angled 3-dimensional polytopes''
4-6 January 2017
Christmas Mathematical Meeting, Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia;
invited talk ``Polyhedral products, right-angled Coxeter groups, and hyperbolic manifolds''
7-9 November 2016
Matsbornik-150: algebra, geometry, analysis, Moscow, Russia;
plenary talk ``Polyhedral products, right-angled Coxeter groups and hyperbolic manifolds''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
31 October-2 November 2016
International Conference on Mathematical Physics Kezenoi-am 2016, Grozny, Russia;
plenary talk ``Toric topology and geometry''
26 September-1 October 2016
International Workshop "Analysis, Probability and Geometry", Moscow State University, Russia;
invited talk ``Geometric structures on manifolds with torus action''
5-10 September 2016
XII Belarusian Mathematical Conference, Minsk, Belarus;
invited talk ``Geometric structures on manifolds with torus action: symplectic and Lagrangian aspects''
pdf-slides (in Russian)
28 August-4 September 2016
International Conference XIX Geometrical Seminar, Zlatibor, Serbia;
plenary talk ``Polyhedral products and commutator subgroups of right-angled Artin
and Coxeter groups'' pdf-slides
19-24 June 2016
International Conference
"Integrable Systems", CSF Ascona,
Switzerland; plenary talk
``New constructions of Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds''
19-22 April 2016
"Toric Topology 2016 in Kagoshima", Kagoshima, Japan; invited talk
``Polyhedral products and commutator subgroups of right-angled Artin
and Coxeter groups''
11 April 2016
"Toric Topology Workshop 2016", Osaka, Japan; invited talk
``Loops on moment-angle complexes and polyhedral products: homotopy
decompositions and higher Whitehead brackets''
29 February-4 March 2016
International Conference
"Dynamics in Siberia", Novosibirsk, Russia; plenary talk
``Geometric structures on moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
26-29 October 2015
International Chinese-Russian Conference
"Torus Actions: Topology, Geometry and Number Theory", Beijing, China; plenary talk
``Cohomology of quotients of moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
6-12 September 2015
International Conference "Toric Topology, Number Theory and Applications", Khabarovsk, Russia; plenary talk
``On toric generators in the unitary and special unitary bordism rings'' pdf-slides
24-28 August 2015
International Conference Combinatorial and Toric Homotopy,
on the occasion of Professor Frederick Cohen's 70th Birthday, National University of Singapore;
invited talk ``On the cohomology of partial quotients
of moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
16-19 June 2015
International Meeting Toric Topology 2015 in Osaka,
Osaka, Japan; talk ``On toric generators in the unitary and special unitary bordism rings''
18-21 March 2015
Geometry and Topology, A conference in honor of Martin Bendersky's seventieth birthday
and in commemoration of Sam Gitler, Princeton University, USA;
plenary talk ``On toric generators in the unitary and special unitary bordism rings''
15-19 December 2014
Group Action Forum, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, China;
plenary talk ``Complex geometry of moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
13-15 November 2014
The 41th Symposium on Transformation Groups, Gamagori, Japan;
plenary talk ``On the rational formality of toric spaces
and polyhedral products'' pdf-slides
24-27 September 2014
International Conference "Geometry Days in Novosibirsk, 2014",
dedicated to 85th anniversary of academician Yuri Grigorievich Reshetnyak, Novosibirsk, Russia;
plenary talk ``Bott towers and equivariant cobordism'' pdf-slides
27 January-1 February 2014
Conference and School "Lie algebras, algebraic groups, and invariant theory", Moscow, Russia; invited talk
``Complex geometry of moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
21-24 January 2014
International meeting "Toric Topology 2014 in Osaka", Osaka, Japan; talk
``Bott towers and equivariant cobordism''
4-7 December 2013
International Conference "Geometry and Analysis on Metric Structures", Novosibirsk, Russia;
plenary talk ``Intersections of quadrics and Hamiltonian-minimal
Lagrangian submanifolds'' pdf-slides
25-27 September 2013
Conference to celebrate Samuel Gitler's 80-th birthday, El Colegio Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico; plenary talk
``Complex geometry of moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
2-7 September 2013
Open Chinese-Russian Conference "Torus Actions: Topology, Geometry, Number Theory", Khabarovsk, Russia; plenary talk ``Homotopy theory of moment-angle complexes'' pdf-slides
28-31 August 2013
International Conference "Geometry Days in Novosibirsk, 2013", Novosibirsk, Russia;
plenary talk ``Complex geometry and toric topology'' pdf-slides
8-12 July 2013
International Conference on Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Chern Institute, Nankai University, Tianjin, China;
plenary talk ``Complex geometry and toric topology'' pdf-slides
1-6 July 2013
Workshop on Algebraic Topology, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China;
colloquium talk ``Geometric structures on moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
8-11 January 2013
Christmas Mathematical Meeting of the "Dynasty" Foundation, Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia;
invited talk ``Homotopy type of moment-angle complexes'' pdf-slides (in Russian)
17-21 December 2012
International Conference "Analysis and Singularities" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of V.I.Arnold, Moscow, Russia;
plenary talk ``Intersections of quadrics and Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds'' pdf-slides
23-25 November 2012
The 39th Symposium on Transformation Groups, Tokyo, Japan;
plenary talk ``Homotopy type of moment-angle complexes'' pdf-slides
16-19 November 2012
International meeting Toric Topology 2012 in Osaka, Osaka, Japan;
talk ``Moment-angle complexes corresponding to chordal graphs''
3-8 September 2012
International Conference XVII Geometrical Seminar, Zlatibor, Serbia;
plenary talk ``Intersections of quadrics and H-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds'' pdf-slides
14-16 March 2012
Conference in Discrete and Computational Geometry, Delone Laboratory, Jaroslavl, Russia;
talk ``Toric Topology'' pdf-slides
27 February-2 March 2012
Russian-German conference on Several Complex Variables, Moscow, Russia;
invited talk ``Non-Kaehler complex structures on
moment-angle manifolds and other toric spaces'' pdf-slides
8-10 January 2012
Christmas Mathematical Meeting of the "Dynasty" Foundation; dedicated to the XX anniversary of the Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, Russia;
talk ``Intersections of quadrics and H-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds''
1-9 December 2011
10th Pacific Rim Geometry Conference, Osaka and Fukuoka, Japan; plenary talk
``Intersections of quadrics and H-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds'' pdf-slides
5-10 September 2011
International Conference "Toric Topology and Automorphis Functions", Khabarovsk, Russia; plenary talk
``Geometric structures on moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
1-4 September 2011
International Conference "Geometry Days in Novosibirsk", Novosibirsk, Russia; invited talk
``Intersections of quadrics, moment-angle manifolds, and Hamiltonian minimal Lagrangian embeddings''
18-20 July 2011
International Conference "Toric Methods in Homotopy Theory and Related Subjects", Queen's University Belfast, UK; plenary talk
``Homotopy colimits and loops on toric spaces''
14 July 2011
80th meeting of the
Transpennine Topology Triangle, Manchester, UK; Plenary talk
``Geometric structures on moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
31 January-5 February 2011
Conference and School "Lie algebras, algebraic groups, and invariant theory", Moscow, Russia; invited talk
``Complex structures on moment-angle manifolds''
1-4 December 2010
Workshop ``Toric geometry, toric topology and combinatorics'', Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan; invited lectures ``Moment-angle manifolds, intersections of quadrics and Lagrangian embeddings'' and ``Moment-angle manifolds from simplicial posets''
23-25 November 2010
Symposium on Transformation Groups, Fukuoka,
Japan; invited talk ''Complex-analytic structures on moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
7-12 November 2010
International meeting ``Topological methods in toric geometry, symplectic geometry and
combinatorics'', Banff
International Research Station, Canada; plenary talk ``Complex-analytic structures on moment-angle manifolds'' pdf-slides
7-10 October 2010
Congress of Mathematicians and Physicists of Montenegro, Petrovac, Montenegro; invited talk
``Complex geometry and toric topology'' pdf-slides
22-26 February 2010
Toric Topology Workshop,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea;
Series of 4 invited lectures ``Moment-angle manifolds in toric topology''
15-18 December 2009
Conference ``Information Technologies and Systems'', Institute for Information Transmission Problems,
Russian Academy of Science;
1 hour invited talk ``Toric topology'' pdf-slides
10-12 December 2009
Conference on Transformation Groups, Osaka, Japan; 1 hour invited talk ``The universal toric genus'' pdf-slides
7-11 September 2009
Bratislava Topology Symposium "Group Actions and Homogeneous Spaces", Bratislava, Slovakia; plenary talk ``Torus actions and complex cobordism'' pdf-slides
15-20 July 2009
Dobrushin International Conference, IITP, Moscow, Russia; plenary talk ``Toric topology'' pdf-slides
6-11 July 2009
International Conference on Algebraic Topology CAT'09, Warszawa, Poland; plenary talk ''From real quadrics to polytopes via manifolds'' pdf-slides
25-30 June 2009
XXXIV Far Eastern Mathematical School and Seminar ``Fundamental problems of Mathematics and Information sciences'', Khabarovsk, Russia;
30-min invited talk ''Moment-angle manifolds in toric topology'' pdf-slides
12-13 January 2009
Conference ``Young Mathematics of Russia'', Moscow, Russia; 30 min invited talk ``Moment-angle manifolds in toric topology'' pdf-slides
4-10 January 2009
International meeting ''Toric Geometry'', Oberwolfach, Germany; 50 min invited talk ''Toric Kempf-Ness sets'' pdf-slides
7-11 July 2008
International Conference ``New Horizons in Toric Topology'', Manchester, U.K.; 1 hour plenary talk ``Moment-angle manifolds: recent developments and
perspectives'' pdf-slides
3 June 2008
Conference ``Novikov Day'' dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the of Sergei P. Novikov,
Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia; 30 min talk ``Torus actions and complex
cobordism'' pdf-slides
17-22 December 2007
International Conference ``Transformation Groups'' dedicated to the 70th Anniversary
of the of Ernest B. Vinberg, Moscow, Russia; 30 min talk ``Algebraic torus actions, Kempf-Ness sets and real
quadrics in Cm'' pdf-slides
17-23 September 2007
Russian Conference ``Mathematics in the Modern World'' dedicated to the 50th Anniversary
of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia; 20 min talk ``Torus actions and complex
cobordisms'' pdf-slides
17-27 July 2007
Osaka City University
Summer School on Symplectic Geometry and Toric Topology; series of lectures ``Toric topology and complex cobordism'' pdf
22-26 May 2006
RIMS Conference "Methods of Transformation Group Theory", Kyoto, Japan;
1 hour invited talk ``Topology of Kempf-Ness sets for algebraic torus actions'' pdf-slides
28-30 November 2005
Workshop on K-Theory and Its Applications, Okayama, Japan;
1 hour invited talk "K-theory and cobordisms of toric manifolds"
24-26 November 2005
Symposium on Transformation Groups, Osaka,
Japan; 50 min invited talk "Spaces of polytopes, and cobordisms of toric manifolds" pdf-slides
11-21 July 2005
Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics,
Conference in honour of Ross Street's sixtieth birthday,
Sydney and Canberra, Australia; 40 min invited talk
"Model categories and homotopy colimits in toric topology" pdf-slides
26 June-2 July 2005
International Conference
Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro;
30 min talk "Spaces of polytopes and cobordisms of toric manifolds" pdf-slides
3-9 April 2005
International conference on Selected Problems of Modern Mathematics
Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of K.G.Jacobi, Kaliningrad, Russia; 15 min talk pdf-slides
14-19 February 2005
International conference "Topology, analysis and applications
to mathematical physics" dedicated to the memory of Yu. P. Solovyov,
Moscow, Russia; 30 min talk.
26 September-3 October 2004:
The XI Congress of Mathematicians of Serbia and Montenegro, Petrovac na Moru, Crna Gora, 30 min invited talk "Toric topology" pdf-slides.
17-19 November 2004
Symposium on Transformation Groups, Tokyo,
Japan; 50 min invited talk "Toric topology" pdf-slides.
13-18 September 2004:
``Algebraic models of topological spaces and fibrations", international conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of George Chogoshvili, Tbilisi, Georgia; 45 min invited talk ``Toric topology".
3-6 July 2004:
``Geometry, Topology, and Combinatorics" a satellite conference
of the 4th European Congress of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden;
30 min invited talk.
18-24 April 2004:
International meeting ``Cohomological Aspects of Hamiltonian Group
Actions and Toric Varieties", Oberwolfach, Germany; 1 hour invited talk ``Rational aspects of toric topology"
8-10 September 2003:
18th British Topology Meeting, Manchester,
U.K.; 1 hour invited talk ``The cohomology of torus manifolds".
26-28 November 2002:
Workshop on Transformation Groups, Tokyo,
Japan; 1 hour invited talk ``Topology and combinatorics of torus actions".
1-6 July 2002:
Algebraic Topology conference, Barcelona, Spain; poster.
27-31 May 2002:
Modern Homotopy Theory conference, Lille,
France; 40-min talk ``Homotopy and homology of certain loop
spaces" pdf-slides.
3-7 September 2001:
Algebraic Topology Conference, Nantes,
France; 40-min plenary talk ``Combinatorics, topology and homotopy
theory of toric spaces".
11 July 2001:
30th Transpennine Topology Triangle Meeting,
Sheffield, U.K.; 1 hour invited talk ``Combinatorics, topology and
homotopy theory of toric spaces".
24-30 June 2001:
International Conference on Algebraic
Topology, Isle of Skye, Scotland, U.K.; 30-min talk
``Combinatorial aspects of torus actions".
4-8 June 2001:
International conference on Algebraic Topology, Gdansk,
Poland; 45-min talk ``Cobordism invariants of manifolds with torus
7-9 April 2001:
16th British Topology Meeting, Edinburgh, U.K.;
40-min talk ``Combinatorial aspects of torus actions".
10-14 July 2000:
3rd European Congress of Mathematicians,
Barcelona, Spain; poster ``Torus actions, simple polytopes and
coordinate subspace arrangements".
4-7 July 2000:
International conference ``1-st Euro-Mediterranean Topology Meeting",
Barcelona, Spain; poster "Torus actions, simple polytopes and coordinate subspace
27 February-4 March 2000:
International meeting ``Lattices,
Polytopes and Tilings", Oberwolfach, Germany; 1-hour talk ``Torus
actions, simple polytopes and coordinate subspace arrangements".
9-15 October 1999:
International conference ``Modern topological methods and their
applications", Tbilisi, Georgia;
45-min invited talk ``On Hirzebruch genera of manifolds with torus
19-25 August 1999:
International conference ``Topology and
Dynamics: Rokhlin Memorial", Vladimir A. Rokhlin's 80th Anniversary,
St. Petersburg, Russia; 25-min talk ``Algebraic topology of torus
actions on manifolds defined by simple polytopes".
3-8 September 1998:
International conference ``Algebraic
topology meeting'1998", Angers, France (satellite of the ICM'98,
Berlin); poster.
30 August-6 September 1998:
International conference dedicated
to the 90th Anniversary of L.S.Pontrjagin, Moscow, Russia
(satellite of the ICM'98, Berlin); 35-min. talk ``Torus actions
and the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequences" and a paper published
in the Proceedings volume.
9-15 August 1998:
International conference ``Geometry and Topology'98",
Aarhus, Denmark (satellite of the ICM'98, Berlin); a paper is
published in the Proceedings volume (AMS Contemporary Mathematics series).
Member of organising and programme committees:
Workshop on Toric Topology
(Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, 19-23 August 2024)
Focus Program on
Toric Topology, Geometry and Polyhedral Products
(Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, 22 July-23 August 2024)
International School
``Toric Topology and Applications''
(Sirius Mathematics Center, Sochi, Russia, 23-28 October 2023)
International Conference
``Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics''
(Sirius Mathematics Center, Sochi, Russia, 16-20 October 2023)
- Conference ``Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics''
on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of S.P. Novikov and the 80th anniversary of V.M. Buchstaber
(Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, 10-12 April 2023);
- International School ``Toric Topology, Combinatorics and Data Analysis''
(Euler International Mathematical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia, 3-9 October 2022);
International Conference
``Algebraic Topology and Applications''
(Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, 20-21 December 2021, online)
International School
``Toric Topology and Combinatorics''
(Sirius Mathematics Center, Sochi, Russia, 1-5 November 2021)
International Conference
``Topology of Torus Actions and Related Topics''
(Sirius Mathematics Center, Sochi, Russia, 25-29 October 2021)
International seminar for young researchers
``Algebraic, combinatorial and toric topology''
(Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, 17-18 December 2020, online)
Workshop on Torus Actions in Topology
(Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, 11-15 May 2020)
Thematic program on
Toric Topology and Polyhedral Products
(Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, January-June 2020)
Japanese-Russian Seminar on Toric Topology and Homotopy Theory (Moscow, 26-27 August 2019)
International Conference
Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: Rokhlin–100
dedicated to the 100th birthday anniversary of Vladimir Rokhlin (EIMI, St. Petersburg, Russia, 19-23 August 2019)
International Seminar on Toric Topology and Homotopy Theory
(Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia, 30 May-1 June 2018)
- International Conference
"Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics"
on occasion of Victor Buchstaber's 75th birthday (Steklov Institute and SkolTech, Moscow, Russia, 24-30 May 2018)
- International Open Chinese-Russian Conference
"Algebraic Topology, Geometry and Combinatorics of Manifolds"
(Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF), Sanya, China, 5-9 December 2017)
- British-Russian Seminar on Toric Topology and Homotopy Theory (Moscow, 14-15 March, 4 April 2017)
- International Chinese-Russian Conference
"Torus Actions: Topology, Geometry and Number Theory" (Beijing, China, 26-29 October 2015)
- International Conference "Toric Topology, Number Theory and Applications" (Khabarovsk, 6-12 September 2015)
- "Toric Topology and Integrability",
thematic semester of Mathematical Sciences Program,
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (1 October 2014-28 February 2015)
- "Topology of Torus Actions and Applications to Geometry and Combinatorics", a
satellite conference of ICM 2014, Seoul (Daejeon, South Korea, 7-11 August 2014)
- Open Chinese-Russian Conference "Torus Actions: Topology, Geometry, Number Theory" (Khabarovsk, 2-7 September 2013)
- International Conference
"Algebraic Topology and Abelian Functions"
in honour of Victor Buchstaber on the occasion of his 70th birthday
(Moscow, 17-22 June 2012)
- International Conference
"Toric Topology and Automorphic Functions"
(Khabarovsk, 5-10 September 2011)
- International Conference
"Geometry, Topology, Algebra and Number Theory, Applications"
dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Boris Delone (Moscow, 16-20 August 2010)
- International Conference
"Differential Equations and Topology''
dedicated to the Centennial Anniversary of L.S.Pontryagin (Moscow, June 2008).
- International Conference on Toric Topology (Osaka, 29 May-3 June 2006).
- "Geometric Topology, Discrete Geometry
and Set Theory'', L.V.Keldysh Centenary conference (Moscow, August 2004).
- "Solitons, Geometry and Topology: on the Crossroads" in honour of Sergey Novikov (Moscow,
May 1998)
Selected seminar talks:
- 15 November 2023
- Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, CAS, Beijing,
talk ``Complex geometry of moment-angle manifolds''
- 13 November 2023
- Beijing Institute for Mathematical Sciences and Topology (BIMSA),
talk ``Double cohomology of moment-angle complexes and bigraded persistence barcodes''
- 21 October 2022
- Sino-Russian Mathematics Center - JLU Colloquium,
online talk ``SU-bordism: geometric representatives, operations, multiplications and projections''
- 26 April 2021
- Skoltech Center for Advanced Studies Seminar,
online talk ``Complex geometry of manifolds with torus action''
- 15 March 2021
- Southampton Topology Seminar, University of Southamption, UK,
online talk ``Foliations arising from configuration of vectors, Gale duality, and moment-angle manifolds''
- 20 November 2020
- Beijing-Moscow Mathematics Colloquium,
online talk ``Right-angled polytopes, hyperbolic manifolds and torus actions''
- 16 September 2020
- Algebraic Topology Seminar, Princeton University, USA,
online talk ``A geometric view on SU-bordism''
- 5 March 2020
- Mathematics Department Colloquium, Ohio State University, USA,
talk ``Right-angled polytopes, hyperbolic manifolds and torus actions''
Moscow State University, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Higher School of Economics,
Independent University of Moscow, Institute for Theoretical and
Exprerimental Physics, Institute for Information Transmission
Problems (Moscow), St. Petersburg State University, Steklov Institute of Mathematics
(St. Petersburg), Sobolev Mathematical Institute (Novosibirsk), Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk), Fudan University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Capital Normal University,
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China),
Universitaet Osnabrueck (Germany), Universities of Kyoto, Okayama, Osaka,
Osaka City (Japan), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain),
Universities of Aberdeen, Bristol, Edinburgh,
Leicester, Loughborough, Manchester, Sheffield, Southampton, Swansea (U.K.), Ohio State University, Princeton University, Rice University (USA).
Member of the Editorial Board:
European Journal of Mathematics,
Far Eastern Mathematical Journal,
Moscow Mathematical Journal,
The Manifold Atlas Project
Acta Mathematica, Advances in Mathematics, Algebraic and Geometric
Topology, Annales de L'Institut Fourier, Central European Journal of Mathematics, Contemporary
Mathematics, Discrete and Computation Geometry, Far Eastern Mathematical Journal, Forum Mathematicum, Functional Analysis and Applications, Izvestiya: Mathematics,
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Journal of Topology, Mathematical Notes, Mathematical Research Letters, Mathematische Zeitschrift,
Moscow Mathematical Journal, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, Proceedings of the Edinburgh
Mathematical Society Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of
Mathematics, Progress in Mathematics, Russian Mathematical
Surveys, Siberian Mathematical Journal, Sbornik Mathematics, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal,
Topology and its Applications, Transformation Groups, etc.